Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility works to carry out all of our actions within the highest moral standards. We care about you. We care about our employees. We care for this planet along with ours and future generations. is passionate about giving our employees fair and concerned treatment.  We not only want to provide them with a good living, but also an enjoyable work environment and the ability to work from home, when possible.

Our customers are not just customers, they are friends who share our enjoyment of Pancake Artwork. They deserve ethical and fair treatment and we strive to always provide that to them. realizes that all of us are responsible for proper oversight and care of environmental issues, so we always work to be a diligent protector of our environment. We also want to be a friendly encouragement to our friends to join us in caring for our environment.

We believe that fully complying with State and Federal Laws and Regulations, Workplace and Human Rights Standards, Ethical Business Practices, and Community and Social Involvement are a must.'s primary mission is to promote Pancake Art for the enrichment of the lives of our customers. PancakeArtwork isn't just talk, but in fact show this with their actions, such as donating 10% of all proceeds to charity.